Long Cardigan Outfit – 3 Easy Ways to Style

Finding that perfect long cardigan outfit is a must do in the winter months. Actually – it’s a must do during anytime of the year when a long cardigan is acceptable! I’ve always been a lover of long sweaters and long cardigans, so I’m excited today to share with you 3 easy ways to style.

Long Cardigan Outfit – 3 Easy Ways to Style

Long Cardigan Sweater

When it comes to finding the perfect cardigan to put together a long cardigan outfit, you don’t need to buy yourself a bunch to make it work. My best fashion advice is to find one long cardigan that is versatile and will work a bunch of different ways with a bunch of different looks. I actually only own 4-5 long cardigans (now I know that sounds like a lot), but these cardis I wear all the time.

I’m all about swapping certain items out to make certain trends and looks and styles work. What do I mean by this? Instead of wearing blazers to the office 5 days a week, try swapping it out with a long cardigan outfit. I promise if you find the perfect cardigan to go with the perfect outfit, it WILL work out and it will look amazing.

I’m going to share with you 3 different looks, all that are rocking a long cardigan as the “centerpiece” of the look. I want to make sure you see how easy it is and how fun it is to work in a long cardigan outfit into your wardrobe rotation. This season I was very aware of adding more and more color into mu closet, so you’ll see this reflected in the color choices of my long cardigan sweaters.

Long Cardigan Outfit #1: I personally love wearing dresses to work. Since I work from home, whenever I head out to meetings or events or do news segments, I’m all about making sure I wear a dress. Usually I would wear a blazer or a moto jacket with a dress for an added layer, but I decided to try my long pink cardigan for this one. I have to say, I loved it!

Long Cardigan Outfit

As you can see it works with the dress! I feel like any cardigan that you can find that works with any of your dresses, this is an easy and classic look for work. Don’t be afraid to push the cardigan fashion envelope. Cardigans aren’t just for cozy’ing up with on the couch!

Long Cardigan Outfit #2: I feel like we all have these 2 pieces in out closet that we can toss on – jeans and a white tee. These are pretty basic and pretty accessible items. My advice? Grab these items and pair with a long cardigan. You see my in my fave yellow one here! What I love about this look is that you go from being in “basic” pieces to having a really chic look. I love how easy it is to do this with a cardigan! Buy it here.

Long Cardigan Outfit

If you’re looking for the easiest way to wear and style a cardigan, go with this look. It’s as easy as can be and such a great way to rock one. All you need to do is swap out your jeans and tee and shoes. You could create a bunch of different looks with just one cardigan! This might not be great work attire for you, but it’s great after hours attire!

Long Cardigan Outfit #3: Bringing it back to the dress! I wore this look out recently and I loved it! I have some really pretty long dresses that I just love wearing. The weather it too warm for a ginormous coat, but it’s not warm enough to go without something. I tried my H&M beige cardigan with my Calvin Klein floral dress and loved the look! Buy this cardigan here.

Long cardigan outfit

As you can tell this is an easy way to just toss and go! I love this look because it adds a casual look to this dress, too. It’s an easy way to make it work, but also have it come across in a chic and dressy way.

When looking for the best long cardigans sweaters for yourself, think about 3 things:

1. Best length for you. You want to make sure it’s going to work for you and your body.

2. Best color for you. You want to make sure you find a cardigan that will work on the color front for you. If you feel like going with classic colors – black, navy, beige, brown, white would be best for you, go with those colors.

3. Best fabric for you. I love soft and cozy. Make sure whatever it is that you find is the best “feel” for you! I love being able to have cardigans that I could also double as a blanket! Seriously my daughter will use my cardigans as blankets! It’s adorable!

I hope this helps and I hope you get a lot of use out of long cardigan sweaters! They’re my fave and I hope you love them as much as I do!

Please don’t forget to join my Daily Dose of Style FACEBOOK GROUP! This has turned into my favorite spot online and I love sharing there every single day! It’s been an outlet for me to be open and honest about my fashion loves! It’s a great place to learn new things, so I hope you come on over! I’m also going to be starting a kid fashion one soon, too!

Loving this Fashion Over 40 – Daily Does of Style Facebook Group (that I would LOVE for you to join) and I share trends and styles every single day in there, along with the best sales online for fashion. I fully believe that you can and should be able to look your best without breaking the bank. You want to feel confident and beautiful and you CAN! I hope my info helps! We have a ton of fashion fun in there! And you don’t need to be 40 years old!!!!!!!


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About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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