50 Pieces of Advice for High School

I liked high school. Actually, I loved high school. I really did. Granted it was a time before social media and cellphones, so maybe that’s why I really liked high school. I actually lived each day without having to document it or tag something or someone in it or worry about what filter to use to make me look my best. It was 4 years of HIGH SCHOOl. 4 years of hard work. 4 years of friends. 4 years of being (as my mom called me) “boy crazy!” 4 years of prepping for the next 4 years. I can honestly say that I look back at my high school years with great memories.

50 Pieces of Advice for High School

50 Pieces of Advice for High School

My oldest son starts high school on September 3rd. It’s still weird for me to process that I’m about to have a high schooler. It’s even weirder to think that in 4 years he’ll be prepping for college. Time is really a pain in the butt sometimes, it goes by too fast and it’s not always fair to moms and dads. Not that I wanted to bottle William up forever in elementary school, but I just didn’t realize how quickly time really does go by. William tours over me in height now, which is something I’m just getting used to. That little boy that I used to hold and kneel down next to to take photos is pretty much a man now.

Audrey McClelland and William MCClelland

With high school on the horizon and not quite there yet, I’ve been trying to think of things that I want to share with him about high school. Boys are different than girls. I’m this emotional being who wants to sit down and give him A to Z what to expect and everything in between. I’m planning outfits for the first day and figuring out what backpack he should be using. He’s all cool as a cat about it all. How? Why? And – honestly – I’m thrilled he is calm about it. I’d prefer that than a kid who is a shaking mess about it.

Truly though, as he’s gearing up – there’s things I want him to know. High school is different than middle school, especially in this day and age with so much out there. I just want him to be prepared and ready. As his mom I’ve done everything I can to prep him for the next stage. I’m tossing out my motherly advice and giving him his wings to fly.

Class of 2023

50 Pieces of Advice for High School:

  1. Be you. Truly, just be you, be who you are. High school can be a tough time in terms of pressures and stresses and trying to fit in. You are YOU for a reason and I want you to just BE YOU.
  2. Get involved with activities that excite you. I went out for the school newspaper my sophomore year and it turned out to be one of my greatest loves from high school.
  3. Don’t ever be afraid to say NO to anything. Anyone who pressures you to do anything you don’t want to do, guess what? They’re not your friend(s).
  4. Be a happy kid. Let people know you as the kid who says hello and always has a smile.
  5. Study hard. High school needs to be a fun time in your life, but I also want you to give 100% to your studies. Actually, 110%.
  6. Go to school dances.
  7. Have some school spirit, actually – have a lot of school spirit.
  8. Get to know kids you haven’t gotten to know in middle school. The best thing about high school is that you’re with “kids” of all these different ages. Become friends with new kids.
  9. Off of that… if a new kid enters school, BE NICE TO THEM RIGHT AWAY. You were that new kid in 7th grade.
  10. Don’t let any kid eat lunch alone. Please. Invite them over.
  11. Eat breakfast every morning. I know you don’t always think you have time, but you do.
  12. When your brothers are in high school with you – always have their back. Your brothers. That’s what you do.
  13. Never be a bully.
  14. Never allow a bully to bully someone in front of you. Get a teacher. Get an administrator. Get involved. You will never get in trouble from me for stepping in to defend someone.
  15. Let people see that being smart is a cool thing.
  16. Cherish your close friends. You will most likely know these kids for the rest of your life. Look at how I am with my high school friends and how dad is with his. You cherish these friendships in life.
  17. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to a dance. Going with someone is special.
  18. Never be afraid to tell me ANYTHING. Please. I remember my mom telling me this, too and feeling like, “OK… ” But now that I’m a mom, I know what she meant. I’m here. For anything. Always.
  19. Don’t ever feel bad about asking questions in class. Raise that hand.
  20. Remember that every kid goes through something at sometime. If you see a friend down about something, ask if they need any help or someone to talk to.
  21. Go to school sports events. Cheer and have FUN!
  22. As crazy as schedules and work can get, it will all get done and all be OK. Don’t over stress if you don’t need to. Plus – you’ve got us to help you out, too.
  23. Do not get in the car with anyone whose been drinking or smoking. DO NOT.
  24. Remember – I can always track you. No pressure. 🙂
  25. High school – especially your freshman year – isn’t about worrying about “what college will I go to” – ENJOY the years when this isn’t something that has to be top of mind yet. You’ve got time.
  26. Don’t over schedule yourself.
  27. If you’re going to have a girlfriend in high school – that’s fine. Just remember that you’ve got the rest of your life in front of you.
  28. When you have the opportunity to pick electives of activities, pick things that you will look forward to going to. Pick things that YOU want to do. Not things that I want you to do or Dad or your friends.
  29. Take the time to take care of yourself.
  30. Get as much sleep as you can.
  31. Please don’t skip school.
  32. Try your very best to be organized.
  33. Be nice to your teachers. Teaching is one of the toughest jobs to have. Be respectful and kind and studious.
  34. Stay away from any kind of school drama that could come your way. Like a hot potato! Stay AWAY!
  35. Be on time when I give you a curfew. If you’re going to be late, call me.
  36. When I tell you to text me back. Text me back. You know I love the 3 dots popping up on my text chain.
  37. If you get a bad grade, it’s not the end of the world. PLEASE remember this. It will make you try harder for next time.
  38. If you’re feeling sick at school, know that just like in kindergarten – I’ll be there the second I get word.
  39. Don’t be embarrassed if I pop notes in your lunch bag.
  40. I *might* embarrass you at various times throughout high school, but know that I’m not doing it on purpose. I love you. That’s where everything is rooted from.
  41. Don’t roll your eyes if I tear up on every first and last day of school. Time is going by too fast and it’s tough for me.
  42. I will be taking photos on the first and last days of school. And you will be holding a sign. I’m prepping you now.
  43. I will be posting those photos online, so again – I’m prepping you now.
  44. Get to know everyone’s name at school from the teachers to the admins to the cafeteria staff. Everyone.
  45. Do you best. That’s my last piece of advice. Just do your best. You’ve always done this and you will continue to do this. I just want the next 4 years to be great for you. We moved for you to go here and I know you’re going to have the best time. Just be you and do your best… and the rest will all fall into place. I promise.


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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