Amazon Makes It Easy for Customers to Donate a Toy

Thank you Amazon, I love this.

Each year during the holidays – it’s always important for me and my family to donate toys to kids in need. It’s something that my parents did with me when I was a child and it’s something that I always cherished. We would go to a local hotel in our area and bring our toys with us and place them in a gigantic gold box. It would always warm my heart to see so many toys already inside.

Being a mom of 5 kids, I feel it’s my duty to show my children the importance of giving back. I truly feel that it’s the best thing you can do with your family during the holiday. Whenever I tell my friends what we do, the most common question I get is – “Where can I do this?” And I love being able to give different spots for people to go to during the holiday season. Well – I’m thrilled to share with you that Amazon is making even easier during the holidays for customers to donate toys to kids in need.


Customers can now donate a toy to Toys for Tots via Alexa by simply saying, “Alexa, donate to Toys for Tots.” This is the first time that customers can donate a product to a charity via voice shopping and better yet, Amazon will be matching customer donations throughout the end of the year – toy for toy – doubling customers’ contributions!

Amazon Alexa Donate Toys

Amazing, right?

This charity feature just really made me love Amazon even more.

PLEASE take advantage of this amazing feature that Amazon has on their Alexa! I mean – it doesn’t get much easier than this to do something special… “Alexa, donate to Toys for Tots.”


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 12.1.18
    Vickie L Couturier said:

    I did this with my kids when they were growing up,we always took 2 angels off the angel tree at K Mart every year and they loved being able to give back

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