Seasoned Grandma Tip #4 ~ “Potty Training can be Hard!”

Seasoned Grandma Tip #4 ~ “Potty Training can be Hard!”

Potty Training can be very difficult.

Grandmas know this first-hand because most of us have potty trained the parents of these precious darling grandkids. We know the outcomes and the years’ gone-by may have erased some of the struggles, but this rite-of-passage milestone is important, unique and different for each child who has ever attempted this task.

And the parents.

My recently turned 3-year old grandson Brian and his parents are smack in the middle of this pee-plea and poop-loop gem of a dilemma!

So… I dug way down into the bowels of my mind (ewww, Grandma!) to perhaps grab a wee bit of fun during this process.

I write little children’s stories for my 12 grandkids (ages 1-16) and keep a notebook (ever bulging). In that notebook, I thought I had a little verse for my older grandsons (7 of them, now 8-14 years old) regarding a possible development of a love of the loo through fun big boy undies.

Well, I found the story, and immediately noticed that it’s a “story” for both my granddaughters and grandsons, words/text changed a bit for gender, titled both Harriet’s Purple Panties and Harry’s Blue Boxers

Ah, ha!

I thought, maybe if Brian gets a pair of blue boxers with his favorite character from Paw Patrol, AND I read my quick little story with him as the main character, the least that can happen is that he loves his new blue Paw Patrol boxers…


Here’s the story:

Brian’s Blue Boxers

Instead of diapers, pull-ups,
Ointments, gels –

And drawers upon drawers
And shelves upon shelves

Of what and where
And that and this,

Brian was in search
Of blue-ish –

Undies, boxers,
A “big boy” pair

Of Brian’s
Brand new underwear!

Blue boxers
With a Paw Patrol guy,

Blue boxers,
Just the right size –

Blue boxers,
Like worn by grown-up men,

Not giant white diapers
With stickies in them!

Blue boxers,
Brian’s favorite pair –

But had Brian’s blue boxers

Then just at that moment,
With a poke and a peek –

A blue-ish color
From underneath

Socks and t-shirts
Popped into sight –

Brian’s blue boxers,

Brian quickly
Pulled them on,

And hopped,
Leaped and kicked –

Just for the “BIG Boy”
Feel of it!

Hey, is it worth a try?

Why not?

(I think I’ll have this little story illustrated!)

And this try comes with an assortment of Paw Patrol undies from Grandma, too, no less…

Potty Training.

Wow! A great BIG milestone!



About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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