10 Confessions From A Mom Of A Six-Month-Old Baby


1) I haven’t written one thing in Brian’s baby book yet. I’ve shoved a few things into the beginning of the book, like his ultrasound photos and other keepsakes, but I really should be keeping track of his milestones better. To this day, I love looking through my own baby book and maybe someday he’ll want to look through his own.

2) I’m still rocking maternity jeans. And sometimes, maternity underwear.

3) I feel really lazy when I see all the Pinterest posts about how easy it is to make your own baby food. Besides mashing up bananas with a spoon, I haven’t made any of my own baby food, and I’m probably going to just continue feeding Brian from jars. I buy organic baby food, but I still feel guilty about not making it myself.

4) Brian is bottle fed. Yup, that means I’m a formula feeder. I planned on breastfeeding and gave it my best, but the day I switched from breastfeeding to formula feeding, my postpartum anxiety pretty much disappeared.

5) I would love to be pregnant again by the end of the year.

6) I have no desire to have an unmedicated delivery. Having an epidural for Brian’s birth was pretty much mandatory for me, and it will be for any subsequent births, too.

7) I still have to write thank you notes to a few people who gave us gifts after Brian was born. This is going to mortify my mom.

8) Speaking of my mom… she helps me out with Brian’s laundry more often than I’d like to admit. She’s like the laundry fairy: she comes to our house, takes his laundry, and brings it back clean and folded. This is priceless.

9) I use disposable diapers. Cloth diapering just isn’t for me. As I said above, I can’t keep up with the laundry as it is. The hashtag #makeclothmainstream makes me feel like I should be feeling guilty for using disposables. (Yay, more guilt!)

10) I haven’t given any thought to what Brian is going to be for Halloween. Or what we’re going to get him for Christmas. Or what the theme of his first birthday party will be. I seem to be behind the eight ball on these things, as compared to some of the moms in my birth club. But I’m okay with that. This boy is loved beyond words, and that’s what is most important to me.

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 8.18.14

    Sounds like a normal mom to me. Don’t let anyone get you down or the artificial pinterest guilt to build. We can’t all be pinterest perfect all the time.

  2. 8.18.14

    From all the fabulous photos I see of your family on social media, it looks like Brian is thriving despite your guilt over the many things you’re not doing. You’re doing so many things right so enjoy the moment and um- my kids are 10 and 8 and to this day I’m not so great at chronicling their milestones through written anecdotes. I have tons of photos though! That counts for something, right? 🙂

  3. 8.18.14
    Pilar said:

    Embrace being the world’s okayest mom. I made it a point to do so last year, and it’s really changed my outlook on mom guilt. Brian looks like a happy little boy, which means you’re obviously doing everything exactly right for your family. Keep on keeping on!

  4. 8.18.14

    So much honesty! I love it! And, totally embrace you being the awesome mom you are without any guilt, because we all have it and will always have it!

    Brian sure is a cutie and alive and thriving and that’s what matters!

  5. 8.18.14
    Sharon - Mom! said:

    Janie… I have never seen a Mama take more naturally to Mamahood than you. Your little guy is healthy, joyous, happy beyond words, easy as pie, perfect – because he feels your LOVE every single moment. That other stuff… it means nothing. It’s the heart, the Mama heart. That simple! (Oh, and I LOVE doing his laundry! It makes ME happy!) xoxox!

  6. 8.18.14
    Heather G said:

    So if you replace “6 months” with “3 months” and subtract the laundry fairy (jealous!), this is me. I’ve grown to hate pinterest. Ha!

  7. 8.19.14

    You gotta give yourself a break… as a CD, BF, baby food making and Millie’s first bday theme is lemonade stand… I can tell you, it doesn’t make me any better. But it probably makes me way more stressed out. As for baby books… I am almost done Addie’s- she’s going to be 2 1/2. It all gets done- I promise. And stop looking at Pinterest. It was invented to make people feel insecure.
    Love you!!!!!!

  8. 8.19.14

    Oh, I really love #5!!!! AMAZING!!! Baby books? What are those? Blogs are SO much better! 🙂

  9. 8.19.14
    Lauryn said:

    You rock those maternity jeans as long as you want! Love this!

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